Our email system is very reliable but sometimes template emails get routed to the receiver’s junk mail folder, so please check it for CaseManagement.com emails. Also, add the casemanagement.com domain to your white list or safe list.
Sending sensitive medical and personal information through e-mail may violate privacy laws that may lead to legal action. Case management data may be considered protected health information. E-mail from one domain to another may or may not be encrypted in transit depending on whether your mail server and the destination mail server support Transport Layer Security (TLS). Even though access to your email is secure from your workstation to the server, it is NOT encrypted in transit unless both mail servers support TLS. Many people have been misinformed about this fact.
In addition, typical IT personnel and hackers can reroute, misdirect and copy email to unauthorized parties. The only protection against abuse and critical mistakes is use of a secure system like CaseManagement.com E-Reports.
Yes! CaseManagement.com runs on the cloud with dedicated CPU and fast Solid State disk (SSD) drives connected to the Net via fiber optics. We have a 99.9% up-time guarantee and the site is monitored automatically. Data is backed up daily.
Yes! You can use your computer or phone to dictate into the report. With a phone, select the microphone icon. With a Windows 10 computer, simply press the Windows key + H. I have dictated the answer for this question!
Yes, you can enter and edit rates, minutes, and hours for all types of work. The eBill contains sections for travel time and reimbursable expenses as well. And it all subtotals and totals automatically.
If you’re a Supervisor or Case Manager, you can accept cases from anyone that is a subscriber to E-Reports. You do not have to subscribe to E-Reports yourself to accept case assignments.
It depends on the role. When you’re a Supervisor, nobody can see your reports until you assign someone as a Case Manager. Then the Case Manager can only see and work on the case report you’ve assigned to them. As a Supervisor, you can assign different Case Managers to different cases and the Case Manager will only be able to access their own assignments.
Supervisors and Case Managers can assign an Adjuster to view a report or authorize an action. This is optional.
Supervisors and Case Managers can authorize a Guest to view a report. This makes it convenient for Supervisors and Case Managers to allow access for patients, employers and attorneys that need progress reports.
If you’re just starting out as an independent case manager, the E-Reports will help you get the information you need quickly to get patients to maximum medical improvement (MMI) and return to work (RTW) which is the primary goal of case management.
As you close cases and please clients, you’ll be able to handle more referrals. As your business grows, you’ll be able to assign some of your cases to other Case Managers and make more money by closing more cases.