Administrative Menu
Simple user interface to browse reports, start new reports, assign users and more.
Sort Cases
Sort case reports by date, claim, flags, claimant, supervisor, case manager, adjuster, invoice number and more.
User Types
Four types of Users for every report: Case Manager, Supervisor, Adjuster and Guests. Guests are invitation-only and view-only.
Supervisors can assign cases to case managers, reassign cases, oversee reports and invoice their customers.
Assigned adjusters can approve or deny Case Manager requests for actions and treatments. Protects all parties from miscommunication.
One-click notification to Adjusters and Guests when a case is updated.
Flow-through Data
One-click notification to Adjusters and Guests when a case is updated.
Report templates can be customized so all reports are uniform for a particular company.
Activity Log
Track case hours, activity, travel time, reimbursable expenses and other costs.
Supervisors set rates for invoicing their customers. Invoices can be emailed or printed.
SSL encryption of data between your device and the E-Reports server ensures privacy. Automated daily data backup.
Reports can be printed from your browser, saved to your computer or faxed to your client.
Maintenance Free
We maintain the system all day, every day, 365 days a year. All subscribers enjoy updates and ongoing improvements we make to the system at no additional cost.