![E-Reports for Companies](https://casemanagement.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/e-Reports-Logo-2018.png)
Increase Case Manager Efficiency
The E-Reports platform enables case managers to choose their own work flow and enter case data as the case progresses in real life.
Once claim data is input, it need not be entered again for the life of the case which may span dozens of case progress reports. Case managers can notify adjusters or clients with one click when the case is updated so they can review the case report at their convenience.
Supervisors and case mangers control access for payers, adjusters, patients, employers, attorneys and others who may need to follow the case:
- Supervisors may assign themselves or others as the case manager.
- Assign the Adjuster to the case for voluntary access.
- Assign appropriate Guests when necessary or desired.
Developed by Case Managers
The E-Reports platform was developed by case managers for case managers to ensure that all necessary and relevant case management information is included. A completed standard report ensures comprehensive assessment of the case, which helps move the case forward to maximum medical improvement (MMI) for the patient.
Customized E-Reports
We understand that case managers may work differently and prefer their own reports format, so the Custom Report enables Company Administrators to completely customize all the report headings, sections and text to standardize the report for their business.
Getting Started
When you sign up for an account, you’re the Supervisor and the default Case Manager for all your cases. As the Supervisor of the case, you can manage the case yourself or assign another case manager to it. So if your client has cases beyond your physical location, you can assign the case to a case manager in that physical location. By Supervising the case, your client is assured of the same great management they get from you.
![E-Reports Editor](https://casemanagement.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/E-Reports-Editor.png)
When it comes to billing, we understand the time it takes for Supervisors and case managers to provide insurance companies and payers with detailed, itemized bills. When the case manager is itemizing details of the job in a report and then the data has to be entered again for a bill, it creates a lot of non-billable hours. If your accountants have to itemize bills in Quickbooks for your clients, it’s simply inefficient.
E-Reports make billing itemization easy and increases productivity. On the report’s Activity page, there’s a drop-down list of daily case management services. The case manager selects the activity and enters the hours (or partial hours) at the time they do the work. There are additional sections for expenses, travel, and other case activity. Supervisors set their rates privately and send the itemized invoice by e-mail, or mail, when the reporting period has ended. The invoice contains no patient identity information, thus ensuring security and HIPAA compliance.
![E-Reports Activity Log](https://casemanagement.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/E-Reports-Activity-Log.png)
Choosing Your E-Reports
All the E-reports are comprehensive, concise, flexible, expandable and easy to navigate. The only required fields are the most basic case information, so you can work in the way that fits you best.
Short E-Report
- Identity Information
- Employer data
- Adjuster Authorizations
- Medical status
- PPI ratings
- RTW status
- Vocational background
- Job availability
- Recommendations
- Daily Activities log
- Quick eBill invoice
- Identity Information
- Employer data
- Adjuster Authorizations
- Medical status
- PPI ratings
- RTW status
- Vocational background
- Job availability
- Recommendations
- Daily Activities log
- Quick eBill invoice
- Medical history
- Driving ability
- Hobbies
- Educational background
- Legal information
- Primary goals
- Claimant financial status
- and more
Medical E-Report
- Identity Information
- Employer data
- Adjuster Authorizations
- Medical status
- PPI ratings
- RTW status
- Reason for referral
- Physician appointments
Quick E-Bill
- Identity Information
- Daily Activities log
The E-Reports can be printed, saved, faxed or mailed if necessary, but they’re always here for authorized users to access when needed.
Grow Your Business
The potential to grow your case management business far beyond your personal service area is a tremendous opportunity. You’ll see how the E-Reports system will allow you to grow your business rapidly, build relationships and move into new markets.